Earn 2.25% to 15% Back on Purchases With These 2 Credit Cards

The credit card rewards game can be lucrative, but it can also be quite complicated. For those who like to keep it fairly simple, I’ll explain the one-two punch that gives me plenty of money back for my credit card purchases.

If two cards are too many, I’ll also give you my top one-card alternative, and it’s neither of the cards in the two-card combo.

With two cards from Chase, you should be able to get anywhere from a minimum of 2.25% to as much as 15% back on every purchase that can be made by credit card.

Earn 2.25% to 15% Back on Purchases With These 2 Credit Cards


The Chase Freedom Unlimited is a simple “cash back” credit card, but the Chase Ultimate Rewards (UR) points you earn are actually better than cash.

Card Number 1: Chase Freedom Unlimited

A premium credit card with premium perks, the Chase Sapphire Reserve allows you to get 1.5 cents for every UR point redeemed to pay yourself back on prior purchases in eligible spending categories.

Card Number 2: Chase Sapphire Reserve

While the Chase Freedom Unlimited gives you a flat 1.5 point per dollar spent on all purchases, the Chase Sapphire Reserve card rewards you at varying rates depending on the spending category.

Getting 4.5% to 15% Back on Certain Purchases