Leverage our audience and get in front of millions of readers annually
Yes, we publish guest posts! Not only that, but we also promote all our guest posts on our Social Media. Establish yourself as an expert in your industry and gain hundreds of new readers on your site by publishing a guest post on our site.
Guest post Guidelines
We only accept guest posts from qualified people with interesting points of view and experience relevant to our audience. To be considered for publication, please read the guidelines below:
All guest posts must be relevant to our audience. Physician on Fire writes for physicians and other high-net-worth individuals seeking Financial Independence to Retire Early (FIRE).
Our audience is interested in personal finance, investing, and financial independence. She might be a doctor, lawyer, actuary, or entrepreneur. He has been successful in his career but is considering a break from the too-busy life he’s been living. They have money and want to invest it smartly and simply.
We do not accept duplicate, syndicated, or plagiarized content as guest posts.
That means we do not accept content submitted as a “guest post” that has been previously published anywhere else on the web. While we syndicate some of the most popular posts, these syndicated posts are not considered guest posts.
We also do not accept repeating a topic that’s already been well covered on this site.
Finally, all images should be original or obtained from a legitimate royalty-free site (i.e., not Google Images)
No advertisement
We do not publish “sponsored posts,” which are any written as long-form advertisements or exist for the sole purpose of creating a valuable link to another site.
Any guest post submitted should contain no paid links.
At least 1,200 words
We find 1200 words to be the sweet spot with our readership. That said, a longer post that’s above 1,500 is preferred.
Easy to read
We prefer short paragraphs so the content is easy to read. Use headings, subheadings, bullets, and any other visual elements to break up the text.
Well written and entertaining
We are looking for content that will inspire and entertain our readers. So, don’t stop showing your personality and sense of humor.
We also prefer articles written in a conversational tone. If you need guidance, familiarize yourself with our content and writing style. See ALL POSTS and read at least a few posts.
Finally, all guest posts should have no grammatical errors or profanity.
Link to your sources
Any statistics or quotes from other content should have an external link back to the original source.
Talk about unique perspectives and experiences
We encourage all publishers to discuss real-life experiences and personal stories in their posts. Talk about your ideas, personal wins, and losses to demonstrate authority in your space.
Here are a few examples, but let your creative juices flow:
- How I / we attained or are attaining financial independence.
- How you plan to take advantage of your FI status — work less, volunteer, retire early, amazing travels, new and different career, etc…
- Share your IPS and explain your rationale for the line items
- What challenges you’ve overcome or changes you’ve made to make FI a possibility
- How you spend your money: Where do you save and where do you splurge
- How Tax Loss Harvesting or other personal finance trick has made you wealthier
- Why [insert common $ practice] is a bad idea and what you do instead.
- Why you choose not to pursue FI or RE
- The Pros and Cons of your medical career and would you choose it again?
- Any controversial or counterintuitive money ideas you have or use.
No! Some of our favorite and most popular guest posts are from readers who don’t have a blog.
For bloggers, we prefer those who have been blogging for longer than six months. That shows a level of commitment and makes it less likely I’ll have dead links in my guest posts to clean up in the future.
We allow publishers to add a couple of links to your posts as long as they fit well within the context of the post.
If you would like to submit a guest post, you can either send a completed post or contact me via e-mail and give me your top 3 ideas, and we’ll select our favorite.
If you are a blogger and familiar with WordPress, our preferred method is to take a formatted post via copy and paste from the Text tab of your WordPress editor. Just put that code right into the body of the email. No attachment is required.
If you’re not a blogger and familiar with WordPress, you can send your completed posts as an e-mail attachment in Word or Google Doc form (no .pages files, please).
Remember that we cannot guarantee we’ll publish something until we’ve had a chance to read and review it