

An Initial Public Offering IPO isn t just a financial event it s a moment a story Picture a small

nbsp Category Details Number of companies that went public Approximately 510 Notable companies that went public Intuit Allstate Papa

nbsp Category Details Number of companies that went public 110 Notable companies that went public Cisco Systems Xilinx Benchmark

nbsp Category Details Number of companies that went public Approximately 116 Notable companies that went public Lattice Semiconductor Symantec

nbsp Category Details Number of companies that went public Approximately 285 Notable companies that went public Conrail Charles Schwab

Category Details Number of companies that went public Approximately 393 Notable companies that went public Microsoft Oracle Adobe Largest company

In 2025 I made my 12th pair of 8220 backdoor Roth 8221 IRA contributions with Vanguard In prior years I

nbsp Category Details Number of companies that went public Approximately 30 Notable companies that went public American Express Teraoka

nbsp Category Details Number of companies that went public Approximately 61 Notable companies that went public Dainipponshigyo Co Ltd

nbsp Category Details Number of companies that went public Approximately 14 Notable companies that went public Royster Rovac Corp

nbsp Category Details Number of companies that went public Approximately 11 Notable companies that went public Kenai Drilling Natek

nbsp Category Details Number of companies that went public Approximately 95 Notable companies that went public Canandaigua Wine Company

nbsp Category Details Number of companies that went public Approximately 495 Notable companies that went public Advanced Micro Devices

nbsp Aspect Details Number of companies that went public Approximately 391 Notable companies that went public Intel Corporation Southwest

nbsp Aspect Details Number of companies that went public Approximately 152 Notable companies that went public Walmart Casio Largest

nbsp Category Details Number of companies that went public Approximately 186 Notable companies that went public Costco Wholesale Corporation

Aspect Details Number of companies that went public Approximately 300 companies Notable companies that went public Sanrio Co Ltd Terumo

nbsp Category Details Number of companies that went public Approximately 780 companies Notable companies that went public Parks Sausage

nbsp Category Details Number of companies that went public Approximately 97 Notable companies that went public Time Warner Inc

Metric Value Number of companies that went public 197 Notable companies that went public Kairos Pharma Alumis Contineum Therapeutics Chromocell

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