Rule of 72 Calculator
If you’re not interested in doing the math in your head, this calculator will use the Rule of 72 to estimate how long a lump sum of money will take to double. Enter your data in they gray boxes.
As a bonus, the Rule of 114 for tripling your money, and the Rule of 144 for quadrupling your money are included.
For a more detailed compound interest calculator, with monthly investments, and daily, monthly, and annual compounding, please see The PoF Compound Interest Calculator.
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All Calculators:
- $10 Million Dream Calculator
- Savings Rate Calculator
- Compound Interest Calculator
- Rule of 72, 114, and 144 Calculator
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- Tax Drag Calculator
- Fees Effect Calculator
- Time to FI Calculator
- Social Security Benefit Calculator
- Added Time to FI Calculator
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- Seller Financing Calculator
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