Savings Rate Calculator
I have had several requests for a personal rate of savings calculator, similar to the one used in the 4 physicians posts. You may enter your own numbers in the gray boxes to determine your net and gross savings rates.

Some people choose to count principal payments on a mortgage and / or student loans in the savings rate. If you choose to do so, there are entries for them. If you choose not to count it, leave those blank. I included “Other investments in both pre-tax and post-tax investments to make the sheet flexible to suit your needs.
I don’t think there’s a right or a wrong way to calculate your savings, this is just a tool to give you a better idea of how much you are saving (and spending) each year. Spending is calculated automatically. The spreadsheet assumes that all dollars unaccounted for elsewhere are spent, so this savings calculator doubles as a spending calculator.
The “Required Nest Egg for FI multiplies your calculated Annual Spending by 25. If you plan to have lower spending in retirement than you do now, enter your own anticipated retirement spending on the “Annual Spending” line.
Download all PoF calculators in one Excel file! You will be sent a link to the file and a confirmation to receive notifications of new posts and my quarterly progress note.

All Calculators:
- $10 Million Dream Calculator
- Savings Rate Calculator
- Compound Interest Calculator
- Rule of 72, 114, and 144 Calculator
- BMI Calculator
- Tax Drag Calculator
- Fees Effect Calculator
- Time to FI Calculator
- Social Security Benefit Calculator
- Added Time to FI Calculator
- Cost of Raising Children Calculator
- Seller Financing Calculator
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