The Sunday Best is a collection of articles I’ve curated from the furthest reaches of the internet for your reading pleasure.
Every week, I scan hundreds of headlines, read dozens of posts, and bring you the best of the best to save you time and mental energy.
Financial Independence (FI) is a primary focus, but it’s an awfully broad topic. I tend to approach FI and early retirement from a fatFIRE perspective and through the lens of a physician, so I expect to see those biases in the selected articles.
Related topics that have become recurrent themes include early retirement, selective frugality, tax issues, travel, physician issues, and investing.
For more great articles, take a peek at The Sunday Best Archives. Now let’s get to the best… The Sunday Best!
The Sunday Best (07/21/2024)
This week we bring to you some burning questions pressing on every physician’s find. Here’s what you need to know about the 3% Medicare pay cut controversy.
When nobody wants to work, and everybody is tired, it’s time to question the conditions that create this kind of perpetual exhaustion. Read about working in the time of a burnout crisis.
Did you know we’ve now had no price increases on the overall inflation rate for two months? But people are still skeptical. Here’s Ben Carlon on waiting for the coast to clear on inflation.
From mortgages to property taxes and maintenance, is a vacation home worth purchasing? Read the best investment I ever made (the pros & cons of owning a vacation home).
AI took the world by storm, but investors are questioning whether the massive investment in AI will ever pay off. Alex Kantrowitz writes about the end of investors’ GenAI honeymoon.
We think about the economy all the time. But do we know which sector is outgrowing the rest? Here are three big things that are happening in the U.S. economy.
Inheritance, retirement, and detangling business from pleasure; Listen to Paula Pant’s advice on not wasting your inheritance.
How will you handle your retirement assets? What is the correct retirement drawdown strategy?
Many people choose to put off retirement until Medicare eligibility. But what if I told you there was another option that could let you quit your job? Here’s a case study on early retiree healthcare.
Investing isn’t just about money but also emotional management. Here’s Darius Foroux on protecting his sanity as an investor.
Learn about the stock market and living through crises; here’s your guide to investing in the darkest timeline.
Is a total bond fund still a good choice? Find out with the oblivious investor.