The Sunday Best is a collection of articles I’ve curated from the furthest reaches of the internet for your reading pleasure.
Every week, I scan hundreds of headlines, read dozens of posts, and bring you the best of the best to save you time and mental energy.
Financial Independence (FI) is a primary focus, but it’s an awfully broad topic. I tend to approach FI and early retirement from a fatFIRE perspective and through the lens of a physician, so expect to see those biases in the selected articles.
Related topics that have become recurrent themes include early retirement, selective frugality, tax issues, travel, physician issues, and of course, investing.
For more great articles, take a peek at The Sunday Best Archives. Now let’s get to the best… The Sunday Best!
Jorge Sanchez, MD, curated this week’s articles.
In an ever-evolving healthcare environment, many physicians face challenges that prompt them to reconsider their job roles. To uncover the truth, we conducted a survey from a private group of verified physicians in August 2023: Top 5 Reasons Why Physicians are Leaving their Jobs in 2023: Based on a Survey of 1,639 Doctors
Physicians and pharmacists, Register with Incrowd for the opportunity to earn easy money with quick "microsurveys" tailored to your specialty.
Madeline Hume from Morningstar lists down reasons why she opted not to buy a home, even though she could. Great self-awareness, being one of them: Why I Don’t Own a Home: A firsthand look at the home truths faced by first-time buyers.
A Humble Dollar shows how incredibly easy it is to underperform by chasing dreams. And why Just Being Average is the master key to financial success.
A Wealth of Common Sense tells a cautionary tale about outsourcing your portfolio management without understanding what’s going on with your money: Mistakes That Compound in the Markets.
Daryl Fairweather from Redfin lists reasons why we must make homeownership more affordable to first-generation homebuyers: Nepo-Homebuyers: 40% of Under 30s Received Family Money for Down Payment
Humble Dollar chronicles a story about Simon, a ronin—meaning a “drifter” or “wanderer”— who chose to continue working after achieving FI and what makes it worth it: Rise of the Ronin
Has Apple Pay made it too easy to spend money? Vox explains why tap-to-pay makes spending money fun and easy, but it’s not without perils.
Thomas Kopelman shows that personal finance is not black and white. What you can and should do changes person by person: Personal Finance Is More Personal Than It Is Finance.
Would you rather burn out or rust out? Art of Manliness explains why the latter is far worse: Worry More About Rusting Out Than Burning Out
529 plans and UTMA (Uniform Transfers to Minors Act) accounts are popular education savings accounts. But which one’s best for your family? In this article, we’ll explore the differences between 529 plans and UTMA accounts. We’ll cover some key factors to consider when choosing between the two and provide tips for maximizing your savings and investments. 529 vs. UTMA: Which College Savings Plan Is Right for You?