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The Sunday Best (5/23/2021)


The Sunday Best is a collection of articles I’ve curated from the furthest reaches of the internet for your reading pleasure.

Every week, I scan hundreds of headlines, read dozens of posts, and bring you the best of the best to save you time and mental energy.

Financial Independence (FI) is a primary focus, but it’s an awfully broad topic. I tend to approach FI and early retirement from a fatFIRE perspective and through the lens of a physician, so expect to see those biases in the selected articles.

Related topics that have become recurrent themes include early retirement, selective frugality, tax issues, travel, physician issues, and of course, investing.

For more great articles, take a peek at The Sunday Best Archives. Now let’s get to the best… The Sunday Best!





He’s been retired 9 years and he’s finally got the itch to take a year to just travel the world with his wife and son. Will they pull it off soon? Joe Udo of Retire by 40 reflects on the past with a glimpse into the future in his 9 Years After Early Retirement Update.


Another 40-something early retiree is trying to figure out what the future holds. For the next year, they’ll be in Panama, but then they plan to return to Ohio. Yes, they could live anywhere in the world, and they’re choosing Ohio. 😉 Designing Our New Life – The Power of Early Retirement from Route to Retire.


Dr. Cory S. Fawcett has been fully retired from medicine for about 4 years after several years of part-time locums work. A life update and words of wisdom from the general surgeon in the Pacific Northwest. Christopher Guest Post: Financial Success MD.


As someone who just sold one of my properties and planning to show another one today, I’d say now is a good time to sell a home. Could we be in a bubble? Five Year FIRE Escape ponders the possibility. Are we headed for a housing market crash? A look at past housing bubbles and future trends.


The Frugal Physician is on the buying end, and she’s purchased two properties since the pandemic began. She shares 6 Tips for Buying Real Estate in the Hot Coronavirus Market.


Whether you’re buying, selling, or both, it’s vital to spend a good 24 months in the home you’re selling, assuming it’s your primary residence. While there are some hardship exceptions to the rule spelled out in the post, this is Why It’s So Important to Live in Your Home for at Least 2 Years.


How does the real estate madness end? Ben Carlson with A Wealth of Common Sense has an idea with the data to back it up. We Need to Build More Houses. If the cost of lumber comes back to earth, that would certainly help!


If you’re looking to build a business in medicine rather than a home, Investing Doc has the information and experience you’re looking for. Everything You Need To Know About Starting A Medical Practice.


Looking to build wealth? Here’s how Carl Jensen, the multimillionaire from 1500 Days has been doing it. How I Hired The Best People In The World To Make Me Rich.


I’ve hired no one to help manage my money, but most people do. Looking at a couple of studies on the topic, The White Coat Investor assesses and questions The Value of a Financial Advisor.


You don’t need an advisor. All you need is ARK funds and Bitcoin, amirite? Wait… what happened? Mr. Tako Escapes would like to congratulate you. After all, You Are an Investing Super Genius!


To be a successful investor, the most important factor is simply time. The Banker on FIRE illustrates this by comparing four investors who got started at different times in their lives; the difference is staggering. Please read this today; It Will Be Too Late Tomorrow.


Start early enough, and your millionaire status is all but guaranteed. Learn how these 5 millionaires got to where they are today with ESI Money‘s interview series.


Learn how to better manage your student loan debt, and explore refinancing to a lower rate with cash back offers up to $1,000! Student Loan Resource Page


Highly Volatile


What do the ARK Innovation fund and Bitcoin have in common?

a) Your brother-in-law won’t shut up about them

b) Both are considered investments in the future of technology

c) Each has dropped 30% in a relatively short period of time.

d) Physician on FIRE owns neither of them.


The answer… wait for it… is probably All of the Above, or at least b, c, and d. Replace a) with someone else you know that was talking these up earlier this year.

Does that make them bad investments? Not necessarily. They’re just highly volatile, no one knows whether they’ll go up or down from here. They may think they know, but they don’t.

To be fair, ARKK has taken quite a fall, but it’s now back to where it was just 6 months ago.




Bitcoin is back to where it was 3 to 4 months ago. Don’t ask me to pin it down any closer than that; the price changes by the minute around the clock.



If you care to guess where these are headed in the next year or so, please leave a comment below. I’ll mark my calendar for 5/23/2022 and we can revisit what happened with the benefit of hindsight.


One Sold, One to Go


On Tuesday last week, we sold our house in town to a delightful woman who was so pleased to be taking ownership of a home she has admired for decades. She has lived much of her life in the same neighborhood and has family within blocks of her new home.

It was an easy, smooth transaction, facilitated by the assistance of a local title company.

I’ve spent the weekend getting our primary residence ready to show. A little touch-up paint, some deep cleaning, adding weather stripping around the air conditioning units, etc… It’s not officially listed yet as I write this, but we have our first showing at noon today. That’s the market we’re in!

I also took the opportunity this weekend to take in a little live music in maskless fashion with a sour raspberry mead in hand. A local man who regularly held storytime for children, including mine on many occasions at the public library where he worked, has opened a mead and cider joint with his family and friends.

Instead of playing the ukelele for toddlers, he can now be found playing the stand-up bass for grown-ups enjoying adult beverages. I also saw him strum the mandolin and the familiar ukelele.




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Have an outstanding week!

-Physician on FIRE


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3 thoughts on “The Sunday Best (5/23/2021)”

  1. Thank you very much for the mention this week PoF! It’s always a pleasure to be featured in the Sunday Best, and I’m honored to be included along with so many other great personal finance writers!

    Thank you sir! I always enjoy your Sunday Best!

  2. Subscribe to get more great content like this, an awesome spreadsheet, and more!

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