The Sunday Best is a collection of articles I’ve curated from the furthest reaches of the internet for your reading pleasure.
Every week, I scan hundreds of headlines, read dozens of posts, and bring you the best of the best to save you time and mental energy.
Financial Independence (FI) is a primary focus, but it’s an awfully broad topic. I tend to approach FI and early retirement from a fatFIRE perspective and through the lens of a physician, so expect to see those biases in the selected articles.
Related topics that have become recurrent themes include early retirement, selective frugality, tax issues, travel, physician issues, and of course, investing.
For more great articles, take a peek at The Sunday Best Archives. Now let’s get to the best… The Sunday Best!
If you’re putting off trips because of the kids, Derek Sivers would like to have a word with you. Travel is Best With Young Children.
If you’re making sacrifices to achieve FI, Cory Fawcett of Financial Success MD would like to have a word with you. Financial Independence Doesn’t Require Delayed Gratification.
If you think sports cards or digital collectibles are going to propel you to riches. Alan Cole of Full Stack Economics would like to have a word with you. Sorry, Collectibles are Terrible Investments.
The Ph.D. economist behind Early Retirement Now heard that you’re into crypto. He’s done the math, and he’d like to have a word with you. Crypto is Probably a Bad Investment!
J.D. Roth from Get Rich Slowly would like to have a word with his slightly younger self to avoid this mistake. I lost money in crypto so that you don’t have to!
My med school classmate and former interventional radiologist, Dr. Jeff W. Ross of Vailshire Capital Management, has a word with Dr. Jim Dahle on the difference between Bitcoin and all other things crypto. Investing in Crypto-Assets with Hedge Fund Manager, Dr. Jeff Ross on the White Coat Investor podcast.
Millennial Revolution tells the tale of a “friend” who tried to get them to invest in his “sure thing.” How to Avoid Investment Scams. They’re not that hard to spot, but sadly, smart people keep falling for them.
A recession can’t be officially declared until we see two consecutive quarters of declining GDP, but sentiment suggests we are well on our way. Mike Piper, the Oblivious Investor, reminds us how we investors should behave. How to Invest with a Looming Recession.
The CIO of RealtyMogul weighs in from the commercial real estate perspective. How inflation can be both good and bad for investors: Investing in Uncertain Geopolitical and Inflationary Times.
If you play your cards right, you could be smiling when we reach the other side. Building Wealth in a Bear Market is easier than you might expect.
Now that we have an official bear market in the S&P 500, Ben Carlson of A Wealth of Common Sense wonders if we’ll have a gentle bear or a beastly one. 2 Types of Bear Markets.
If you want to plow money into this bear market, now is a great time to be making extra money. Rich and Regular highlight one way certain people are doing this. The “Overemployed”: working Two Full Time Remote Jobs.
A female physician and a pharmacist are working two full-time, in-person jobs, and they’re not exactly loving it. Are changes on the horizon for them? FIRE Crossroads 030: A Physician and Pharmacist are Almost There!
They say that Cash is King, but investing for cashflow can be problematic. The White Coat Investor rants and explains. Pros and Cons of Investing for Cash Flow.
Passive Income MD, on the other hand, loves him some cashflow. Having numerous income streams has allowed him to live the life he wants to lead. What’s Keeping You From Your Dream Life?
An Update on my ARKK & BTC Holdings
A year ago in The Sunday Best, I commented on the volatility of the technology-focused ARK Innovation fund and Bitcoin, both of which had taken quite a hit in the preceding months back then.
I owned neither of them then, and **surprise** I still own neither of them today.
Since I wrote that bit and promised to follow up in a year, $BTC is down about 26% and $ARKK is down nearly 60%.
It looks like I made a good call not owning them over the past year, but hindsight is 20/20. Buying now could represent buying low or catching a falling knife. I’ll mark my calendar, and we’ll see where they’re at in another year!

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Heading Home
We’re wrapping up another amazing month of travel this weekend with a 2-day drive of nearly 20 hours’ length from Bar Harbor, Maine to Alpena, MI. We opted for the slightly longer drive through Montreal and Ottawa, spending more time in Canada on this northerly route.
In this last week or so, I’ve been a stooge on the stage at the Blue Man Group in Boston, treated my family and a few friends to front-row balcony seats for Harry Potter and the Cursed Child in New York, visited a bunch of breweries in Maine, and went on some stunning hikes in Acadia National Park.
Now, it’s time to return to the real world. Our neck of the woods in northern Michigan was hit with a tornado and large hail Friday evening. Our immediate neighborhood escaped unscathed, but we have family and friends who are dealing with some serious damage. Prayers to all who are affected.
This week, we finally break ground on our new home, and I hope we’ll be living in it a year from now.
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Have an outstanding week!
-Physician on FIRE
3 thoughts on “The Sunday Best (05/22/2022)”
Lots of crypto related posts this week! Are you trying to tell us something PoF?
My favorite post this week was Ben Carlson’s post on “The Two Types of Bear Market”. It’ll be interesting to see where this slowdown finally lands.
Great Sunday Best as always! Thanks!
Crypto is talked about most when it’s doing really well or really poorly. Given the volatility of the asset class, it’s usually doing one or the other.
PoF Thanks for including my work.
Dr. Cory S. Fawcett
Financial Success MD