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The Sunday Best (11/28/2021)


The Sunday Best is a collection of articles I’ve curated from the furthest reaches of the internet for your reading pleasure.

Every week, I scan hundreds of headlines, read dozens of posts, and bring you the best of the best to save you time and mental energy.

Financial Independence (FI) is a primary focus, but it’s an awfully broad topic. I tend to approach FI and early retirement from a fatFIRE perspective and through the lens of a physician, so expect to see those biases in the selected articles.

Related topics that have become recurrent themes include early retirement, selective frugality, tax issues, travel, physician issues, and of course, investing.

For more great articles, take a peek at The Sunday Best Archives. Now let’s get to the best… The Sunday Best!





When you retire early or jump to a new job, what do you do with the money in your 401(k)? The Mile High Finance Guy reviews the options. Left your job or old 401(k): Now what?


If you have federal student loans, your options for loan forgiveness may have just opened up. Andrew Paulson with Student Loan Advice details The Massive PSLF Overhaul: What You Need to Know.


Dr. David Graham, the FI Physician who is about to retire early himself, tells us what it takes. Physician Early Retirement: Keys to the FIRE.


Inflation caused the typical Thanksgiving dinner to cost 14% more this year. While that was a bummer, Passive Income MD shows us 3 Ways Real Estate Investors Can Benefit From Inflation.

  • PIMD has discounted both PIMDCon & the Leverage & Growth Summit by over 50% for holiday shopping weekend! See the discounts here.


Real estate is all about location, location, location. Cadre Insights explains a methodical, statistical approach to Finding the Next Austin for commercial real estate investing.



There are several ways to measure inflation, and none matter more than your own personal rate of inflation, and it’s a number that can differ drastically from the CPI. Full Time Finance looks at how his expenses have changed, answering the question Am I Adjusting my Financial Independence Number for Inflation?


Wealthy Mom MD chats with a friend about adjusting expenses to include charitable aspirations. Giving and Philanthropy for Physicians with Dr. Recha Bergstrom.


As I did last year, I’ll be donating $100 each to 100+ charities as requested by you, the reader, on Giving Tuesday, 11/30/2021. If you’d be willing to make $100 grants to fulfill 10 or more requests, please contact me. I’m hoping to make a greater impact this year with your help!


I use a donor advised fund for the vast majority of our giving. Tax-efficient giving gives the recipient more money for every dollar you part with. The Oblivious Investor looks at the best options. The top choice depends on your age. What’s the Most Tax-Efficient Way to Give? (Donating Appreciated Securities, Qualified Charitable Distributions).


Fates of FIRE waxes poetic three years removed from his career as a corporate executive. Fates Foretold: Reflections on 3 Years of Early Retirement.


He could have retired comfortably with nearly $5 Million to his name, but he opted to take a paycut to work with an exciting startup company. Post FI Notes 009: An Encore Career with a Startup.


How rich are you with $5 Million? Derek with My Life and My Finances takes a look. What Can I Do With 5 Million Dollars?? (Retire? Buy a Ferrari? A Yacht??)


Many in healthcare have opted to retire rather than endure this pandemic, says the Darwinian Doctor. What does that mean for those who’ve stuck with it and for our healthcare system overall? Will Healthcare Survive The Great Resignation?


The Financial Panther shows us that you can become a millionaire in 30 years investing $30 a day. To get to $5 Million, set aside $150 a day. Yes, The Long Game Always Wins when it comes to money and more.


Some will attempt to shorten that timeframe with private real estate investments. Passive Advantage shows off the tool they’ve built (10% off with code POF10) to aid investors with deal analysis and due diligence. A Passive Investing Strategy to Accelerate Financial Independence.


This interviewee accelerated the path to FI by going into dermatology. Just a few years removed from residency, 1/3 of the $5 Million goal has been achieved. FIRE Crossroads 009: Dominating as a Dermatologist.


Cyber Monday Coming; Deals Here Now


Sure, Amazon has lots of deals with more coming tomorrow, but there are plenty of ways to save right now, and you might even get something for free.

I already mentioned the PIMD deal, with 4 of his courses better than 50% off. The White Coat Investor also has a deal with 10% off all courses using code CFE2021 through tomorrow.

Additionally, Coach Carson is offering a discount code, SALE2021, good for 30% off many of his popular online real estate courses, including Real Estate Deal Finder, Rental Property Analysis, and Recession-Proof Real Estate.

The only way to get the valuable “Swag Bag” of goodies for the 2022 White Coat Investor Conference in AZ in February is to register by December 1st. That gives you today and 3 more days, and even virtual attendees will be sent the goods, which include books from all 4 keynote speakers, a WCI tee-shirt, and more!

Finally, as the month wraps up, you’ve got a few days left to get in on the November drawings by our survey partners. These giveaways are only for those who are newly referred by Physician on FIRE. InCrowd is giving away a Ring video doorbell (sign up here) and Curizon is giving out $250 (sign up here). Of course, both companies offer paid medical surveys.

If you’d like to be rewarded just for signing up, MD For Lives offers $20 to everyone (sign up here), and All Global Circle pays out up to $50 (sign up here) depending on your medical specialty.



What’s Nu?


Here’s hoping your holiday gatherings were joyful, healthful, and safe. If you were working over the holiday, thank you for your hard work!

We are most thankful that our 11-year old was able to get his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine yesterday. A step toward normalcy.

Meanwhile, a variant of substantial concern named Nu Xi Omicron has arisen just as we’re about to leave the country. A step away from normalcy.

There may be more known by the time this post is published, but on Friday, “Your Local Epidimiologist” published this insightful Substack post on the Nu variant that’s been spreading in South Africa, prompting travel bans, stock market declines, and additional uneasiness for your 2021 holiday season, more than two years after this novel coronavirus started causing Big Trouble in Little China.



Have an outstanding week!

-Physician on FIRE


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4 thoughts on “The Sunday Best (11/28/2021)”

  1. Great Sunday Best as always PoF! My favorite of the week was “What can I do with $5 million dollars??” That post felt particularly relevant to us because we are now right around that $5 million mark (give or take a few thousand depending upon markets).

    It was fun reading about all the things I’m *not* going to do. 😉

  2. Subscribe to get more great content like this, an awesome spreadsheet, and more!
  3. Great stuff. Really enjoyed the Fates on Fire piece. Here’s hoping this new strain is contained and we don’t see another huge wave.

    Happy holidays!

  4. Digging the charity initiative!

    My suggestion is: Pomeroy Recreation and Rehabilitation Center
    Human Service Organizations – Multipurpose | EIN: 94-1394025 | San Francisco CA

    It is a wonderful organization to help disabled people, mentally and physically, live better lives. I’ll be donating for sure.





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